Ranks and Possible Positions
Admiral of the KOS (Adm)
KOS Commanding Officer
KOS High Command Officer
Vice Admiral (VAdm)
KOS Fleet Division Commander
KOS Deputy Commander
KOS High Command Officer
Commodore (Cdre)
KOS Fleet Division Deputy Commander
KOS High Command Officer
Colonel (Col)
Wing/Battalion Commander
KOS High Command Officer
Lieutenant Colonel (LCol)
Wing/Battalion Deputy Commander (DEPCOM)
KOS Public Relations Officer
KOS High Command Officer
Major (Maj)
Squadron Commander
Regiment Commander
Wing/Battalion 3IC
Captain (Capt)
Company Commander
Squadron Deputy Commander
Regiment Deputy Commander
Operationally Qualified Officer
Lieutenant (Lt)
Platoon Commander
2nd Lieutenant (2Lt)
Trained Officer
Platoon Deputy Commander
Officer Cadet (OCdt)
Officer in Training
Chief Warrant Officer of the KOS (CWOKOS)
KOS Chief Warrant Officer
Provide oversight and guidance to all NCOs/NCMs regarding standards, training, and deployments.
Appointed to the most decorated, skilled, and deserving NCO
Master Warrant Officer (MWO)
Wing MWO​
Black Watch Battalion MWO
Battalion Standards NCO
Warrant Officer (WO)
Squadron WO
Regiment WO
Regiment Standards NCO
Flight Sergeant (F/Sgt)
Company Sargent
Company Standards NCO
Sergeant (Sgt)
Platoon Sargent
Platoon Standards NCO
Corporal (Cpl)
Operationally Qualified Soldier
Fireteam Leader
Knight (Kn)
Recruit (NCM in Training)
Trained Recruit